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Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (1) Search engine list

In this series of articles, we will talk about different web sites that are useful when doing business in China. We will also introduce different tools to facilitate your business.

According to latest research made in fourth quarter 2005, there are over 100 million Internet users in China. (China rank second just after U.S.) However, it just covers 7.9% of the population. More important is that 63% of these Internet users have performed online purchase. Over the past ten years, the growth rate of Internet user is 300%. We can expect that the online market in China have enormous potential.

We will introduce different search engines in China and Hong Kong. (Hong Kong is always the gateway for your business to get into China, so we will get it in count). If you want to get your website be searched by 100 million Internet users, you’d better make submission to the following search engines. Most of these search engines welcome website in English too. It’s much better if you have your website in Chinese.

You may find difficulties in submission to some of the websites if you can’t read Chinese. You can try to email the web master about your site and leave them the related info, likes URL, site title, description, email address, etc. And you can submit to the Google & Yahoo directory first as some of the search engines will follow these two big players and crawled your website.


Baidu is China’s Google. It is the most popular search engine in China. To submit website to Baidu, click below:



Netease is another big search engine in China. Similar to Yahoo, it
provides search engine and portals with different information/services.



Sina.com is targeted to serve the Chinese community, include China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. It has different portal for different areas. Sina.com provides large number of services; include directories, search engine, blog, chatroom, etc.


Sohu.com provides similar services as Sina.com. It has over 100 million registered users and has 250 million pages viewed daily.



Timway is a Hong Kong based search engine. It also provides searching services to other Hong Kong’s portal.


Google China/Hong Kong


Yahoo China/Hong Kong


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