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Wordweb: A Powerful Free English Thesaurus and Dictionary

This week we will introduce you a free tool: WordWeb. Wordweb is a powerful free English thesaurus and dictionary. It comes with a local database of definitions which make it runs very fast. In addition it offers to look up the word over the Internet if it is not found in the local database.

It includes a comprehensive English thesaurus and dictionary, and can be used to look up words from within most programs. Features of this free tool include:

– Definitions and synonyms

– Proper nouns

– Related words

– Pronunciations

– 140 000 root words

– 115 000 synonym sets

– Look up words in almost any program

The interface is simple and easy-to-use. You just type in the word and hit “Enter”. It will show you the results. If the word cannot be found locally, you can make the search on web. The program quickly defines words that you are unfamiliar with, identifies synonyms, and even provides a usage sample. WordWeb has everything anyone would want not only for spelling and definitions but for usages, i.e. nouns, verbs, etc. In summary, this is not just a spelling checker but a real learning tool.

URL: http://wordweb.info/free/

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