Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you to quickly write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available.
You start by creating a workspace and creating notes in the workspace. You can save your workspace at any time and return to them from the same computer or any other computer. You can also share your notes with others by providing the workspace name (or url) to a friend.
In the right-hand side of webpage, input your prefered “WorkSpace” name and click “Load”. If you enter a name of a workspace that does not exist, it will automatically be created for you. If it exists, you can choose another one and load again.
The interface is simple. In top-left corner, click “New Note” to creaet a blank note and double-click on it to edit. Click on area outside the note to escape from edit mode. It supports HTML format. Remember to click “Save” before leave.
It’s a free services, you can use it as a bulletin board, or To-Do-List or any you want. It can be exported as XML which can be feed with RSS to receive the latest notes. However, as other people can enter your webpage and modify it if they know your WorkSpace name. You’re suggested not to put any important or confidential materials there.