Evinco Logo Evinco Software: Streamline your business
Evinco Logo
EasyBilling Invoicing Software
Invoicing Software
Prepare Invoice, Quotation, Receipt,
Delivery Note,
Packing Slip,
and more...

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my existing data after registering the software?

Rest assured, all your existing documents, data and settings will be preserved intact after the registration process.

How can I transfer the software to a new computer?

Please follows the steps below to transfer EasyBilling to new machine.

  1. Backup your data in old machine
    In menu "Tools > Backup", save your data into a zipped file.
    Please keep the zipped file in safe place (not under EasyBilling folder)
    If you've more than one Workspaces, you need to perform backup in each workspace.
  2. Install the software in new machine
  3. Restore your data in new machine
    In EasyBilling, click menu “Tools > Restore”.
    In the popup dialog, click [Browser] to select your backup zip file and start restoration.
  4. You may need to perform registration again.
    Plese click menu “Help > Register” and input your license information in the popup dialog.
  5. Uninstall the software in old machine
Can the data be transferred between Windows and Mac versions of EasyBilling?

Absolutely. The data in EasyBilling is fully compatible and transferable between the Windows and Mac platforms. This means you can easily share your data across both platforms.

For example, if you want to using a new Mac computer and replace your old Windows computer. You can perform backup from EasyBilling in your Windows computer and restore the data to EasyBilling in your Mac computer.

It is important, however, to ensure that you are using the same version of EasyBilling on both Windows and Mac to maintain data consistency. You may check the version number of your EasyBilling in menu “Help > About”.

I lost my license. Where can I find it?

Please go to Retrieve License Information page.

Once on the page, please proceed by selecting your software product. Additionally, you will need to provide the email address associated with your software purchase.

Upon submission, the system will search for license records linked to the provided email address. If a match is found, the license information will be promptly resent to the same email address.

If you need further assistance, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected]

Where can I download an old version of EasyBilling?

Please email us [email protected] with your License Information. We will send you the download link of applicable version.