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EasyBilling Invoicing Software
Invoicing Software
Prepare Invoice, Quotation, Receipt,
Delivery Note,
Packing Slip,
and more...

User Interface

EasyBilling offers users the flexibility to customize their user interface by changing the font and adjusting the zooming scale for both the font and icons to fit different resolution of screen monitor. By default, these settings are set to Auto (100%), but users can increase the scale to make the font and icons larger, such as selecting 125, 150, or 200 as the preferred scale.

User Interface

Furthermore, EasyBilling provides three types of themes for the user interface: Classic, Flat, and Dark themes. Users can choose the theme that best suits their visual preferences or working environment.

Additionally, users have the option to set the default sorting column and order for various lists in EasyBilling. This includes the document list, customer list, supplier list, item list, and report. By customizing these settings, users can prioritize and organize their data based on their specific needs and preferences.

default sorting

Users can personalize their experience by defining custom Shortcut Keys for common tasks. To do this, simply select the desired Character Key that will be associated with the specific task.

shortcut key