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EasyBilling Invoicing Software
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Supplier Report

Supplier report shows the number of purchase order and total amount of the selected suppliers.

Supplier Report

User may provide a name for the report for easy retrieval later. The report runs against the selected folder, compiling data from all receipts dated between specified Start Date and End Date. These date fields can be left blank for no date limitation.

The user has the following options to select the supplier:

  • All Suppliers
  • Suppliers not listed in the Supplier List
  • Supplier selected from the Supplier List

Search fields are available to filter purchase orders that meet specified criteria.

Please note that the report calculations are updated each time it is saved. The “Last Generated” timestamp indicates when it was last processed. To refresh the calculations with the latest receipt data, the user can click the “Re-generate” button to rerun the analysis.

The sample output of Supplier Report is shown below.
Supplier Report Sample Output