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EasyBilling Invoicing Software
Invoicing Software
Prepare Invoice, Quotation, Receipt,
Delivery Note,
Packing Slip,
and more...


EasyBilling Preferences

In the Document Preferences section, you can specify various settings for your documents. These settings include:

  • Document Name:
    User may rename documents displayed in the user interface, allowing for personalized and easily identifiable document names.
  • Date:
    Set the default date for new documents as either Today’s date or leave it empty. Set the desired format for dates and choose a date separator that suits your preference.
  • Currency:
    Specify the default currency to be used in EasyBilling and define the number of decimal places for the subunit, if applicable.
  • Font:
    Choose the default font type, font size, and writing mode for your documents.
  • Margin:
    Set the page margin and address margin for your documents.
  • PDF Properties:
    Specify permissions for the PDF output, such as allowing or restricting printing, editing, and copying. You can also set a digital signature for the PDF file.
  • Print Duplicate:
    Show the “Print Duplicate/Triplicate” button in the document window and set the label for Duplicate/Triplicate copies.
  • Price Calculation:
    By default, EasyBilling calculates the total amount of line items based on quantity. You have the option to set the price calculation by different measurements, such as length or weight.
  • Tax Rate:
    Set the default tax rate and its calculation. You can also specify whether the shipping, packaging, and insurance fields are taxable.
  • Deposit Rate:
    Set the default deposit rate for Proforma Invoice, Invoice, and Tax Invoice.
  • Additional Fields:
    Choose to include an Insurance, Packaging, Rounding Adjustment field in the selected document.
  • Amounts in Words:
    Choose to include an Amount in Words field in the selected document.
  • Order/Payment URL:
    Choose to include an Order/Payment URL field in the selected document.
  • Miscellaneous:
    Set the default quantity of line items, enable or disable multi-line input in the description column of line items, include an extra blank line in line items, set the minimum height of the note field, and watermark settings.