Evinco Logo Evinco Software: Streamline your business
Evinco Logo
EasyBilling Invoicing Software
Invoicing Software
Prepare Invoice, Quotation, Receipt,
Delivery Note,
Packing Slip,
and more...

Document Color

You may modify the color of various sections within the document, such as the Header, Document Number, Border, Shadow, and Footer. By clicking the corresponding button, you can select the desired color for each part of the document. For the text of Label and Entry, you may choose to use Normal or Bold style for the font.

Simply click on the document name to switch between different types of documents and adjust their colors. Additionally, if you wish to apply the same color to all types of documents, you can check the box located at the top.

For modern and table layout, you have the option to adjust the alignment of the document title too.
Document Color Settings