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EasyBilling Invoicing Software
Invoicing Software
Prepare Invoice, Quotation, Receipt,
Delivery Note,
Packing Slip,
and more...
Download EasyBilling Trial Version

Create Template

To create a template, click the “New Template” button and select the document type.

Document Template

In the template window, the first tab contains the details of the template. You should provide a name for easy reference when recalling the template. You can also set a validity period to limit the use of the template or choose to mark it as “Never Expire”.

Auto Create
template auto create

The Auto Create feature allows for the automated generation of documents on a scheduled basis, either weekly or monthly.

You can specify the exact day of the month or the day of the week for document creation. Documents will be generated automatically based on the configurations in the template. Please note that if you select the 30th or 31st for monthly scheduling, on shorter months like February, April, June, September, or November, document will be created on the last day of the month instead.

Additionally, all auto-created documents will be logged in the records, providing a clear audit trail for future reference. Notifications can be set up to alert you when an Auto Document is created. These notifications will display the templates being processed and the number of documents generated.

For the other tab pages, they are similar to what you see when preparing a normal document. You can specify document details such as Payment Terms, Shipping Information, Customer Information, Line Items, pricing information, and other elements like Photo and PDF attachments. However, you cannot set the document date and number in the template; these two pieces of information will be assigned when you prepare the document.

Invoice Template

Video: Auto Create Document with Template