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ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
Complete Cheque Printing
& Management Solution
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Update Cheque Status: Outstanding or Clear

In ChequeSystem software, when you create a new cheque, its status is automatically set to “Outstanding”. This indicates that the cheque has been issued but hasn’t yet been cleared by the bank. The cheque status helps you quickly identify which cheques are still pending and which have been processed. You can change a cheque’s status to “Clear” once you’ve confirmed it’s been cashed

Edit cheque to change Status

cheque status

  1. Locate the cheque you want to update and open it
  2. Look for the field labeled “Status”
  3. Click and select “Clear”
  4. Click “Save” button to save the change

Change status directly from cheque list
Change Status from Cheque List

  1. Select the cheques you wish to update and you can select multiple cheques at once
  2. Right-click on any of the selected cheques
  3. A popup menu will appear.
  4. Choose “Change Status” and select “Clear”
  5. The status of selected cheques will be updatd

Video: How to Change Cheque Status in ChequeSystem