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ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
Complete Cheque Printing
& Management Solution
Download ChequeSystem Trial Version

Database is locked?

ChequeSystem is designed as a standalone software that implements a database lock mechanism to safeguard the integrity of the data. When ChequeSystem is running, it locks the database to prevent concurrent access.

If a second instance of ChequeSystem attempts to run on the same database (Workspace) simultaneously, a dialog will appear notifying the user about the situation. In this dialog, the user has the option to run ChequeSystem in READ-ONLY mode.

ChequeSystem database locked

When running in READ-ONLY mode, users can only view the information stored in the database. They are unable to create or edit cheque, modify payee or other information, or adjust software settings.

If you are the only user of ChequeSystem on your computer and are not share the workspace with other computers, please check if you have accidentally double-clicked to run ChequeSystem twice.