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ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software
Complete Cheque Printing
& Management Solution

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use ChequeSystem for multiple companies?

Absolutely! ChequeSystem allows you to manage multiple companies by creating separate workspaces for each one.

Each workspace is dedicated to a specific company and includes its own chequebooks, cheques, payee list, reports, and software. All the data related to each company is stored in its respective workspace folder.

To set up a workspace for a particular company, simply navigate to the “File” menu and select “Switch Workspace”. In the popup list, click [+] to create a new workspace.

Is it possible to have multiple cheque books in the ChequeSystem?

Yes. In ChequeSystem, you can set different cheque books to manage different accounts.

What types of printer ChequeSystem supports?

ChequeSystem supports Laser Printer, InkJet Printer and Dot-Matrix Printer. As different types have different printing alignment, before printing your cheque, you may need to set the "Printer Settings" under "Settings" to fit your printer.

I can’t find the layout for my bank cheque. Can you assist me in setting it up?

Certainly! To help set up the layout for your bank cheque, please follow these steps:

Take a clear and well-aligned scan or photo of your cheque. Make sure there is no skew or distortion, as this will aid in accurately measuring the cheque.

Send the scanned copy or photo to our support team via email at [email protected].
Our support team will review the provided copy and work with you to create the appropriate cheque layout.

Can data be transferred between Windows and Mac versions of ChequeSystem?

Yes, data in ChequeSystem is fully compatible and can be easily transferred between Windows and Mac platforms. Just ensure that you’re using the same ChequeSystem version on both systems.

You can check the version number of your ChequeSystem by going to the “Help” menu and selecting “About”.

What happens to my existing data after registering the software?

You can be assured that all your existing documents, data, and settings will remain intact after completing the registration process.

I lost my license. Where can I find it?

To retrieve your license, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Retrieve License Information page.
  2. Select your software product.
  3. Enter the email address associated with your software purchase.
  4. Submit the form.

The system will search for license records linked to the provided email address. If a match is found, the license information will be promptly resent to the same email address.

Where can I download an older version of ChequeSystem?

Please send an email to [email protected] with your License Information, and we will provide you with the download link for the relevant version.