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Scan Document and Save in PDF format

It is wise to keep a digital format of your paper documents for backup purpose. Moreover, the digital copy can be accessed easily. You don’t need to get into your file cabinet and search the document one by one.

Scan2PDF enables you to scan paper documents and save them to PDF format on your computer for digital archiving or backup. The process is simple, just scan the document and you can save the document into PDF format.

Scan2PDF is small and fast. It scans your text, and produces an image file. In addition, you can also load images from your hard drive and combine them with a scanned document, or combine multiple documents/images into a single PDF file.

You may take some times to get familiar with the user interface. But this small freeware is definitely a good tools to scan and keep your documents in PDF.

You can find Scan2PDF in following URL

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